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HausMoney™ Experience

Here you'll find more information on how to best use your HausMoney Card and more!
22 articles
HausMoney™: How to activate your new HausMoney Card?
HausMoney™: Where can I find my card number?
HausMoney™: How to Set Your PIN for your card
HausMoney™: How to add my HausMoney Card to my Apple Wallet
HausMoney™: How to add my HausMoney Card to my Google Wallet
HausMoney™: Declined Transactions
HausMoney™: What is the Nightly Lending Payoff?
HausMoney™: How to update your digital wallet information
HausMoney™: Where can I get my HausMoney account number and routing number?
HausMoney™: Current Balance vs. Available Balance
HausMoney™: How do pending transactions impact my available balance
HausMoney™: How long will an Pre-authorization Hold last?
HausMoney™: How do I request a refund from a merchant?